Fire in Frost (A Crystal Frost Novel) by Alicia Rades Review


Fire in Frost 

( A Crystal Frost Novel)


Alicia Rades


“There's a fire growing inside of me. It's not the harmful kind that can kill a girl like Olivia. It's the kind that can save her “

Crystal Fox tells herself she isn't crazy, but sane people don't see ghosts. As her psychic abilities manifest, Crystal discovers she can see into the future, witness the past, and speak with the dead. Add blackmail to the list of things she never thought would happen to her, and you basically have her sophomore year covered. After spotting her first ghost, secrets from her family, friends, and classmates begin to surface. Uncovering secrets can be dangerous, but giving up means someone will get hurt. Again.


Absolutely loved this book. It has a nice steady pace throughout the entire story and characters that you can relate to.  Crystal is walking through the hallway at school and sees the ghost of a girl that died a year before. While trying to figure out what is happening to her she walks in on her mom and her friends who are holding a seance and realizes she may not be crazy after all.

 With the help and support of her friends, her mom, and her mom's boyfriend Crystal discovers the secrets that have been lurking around town and what led up to the death of a young high school girl the year before. 

As she embarks on a journey of self discovery about herself and her newfound powers she learns how to help others. 

This is listed as a YA genre however the characters and storyline work for multiple ages. I'm 49 years old and could relate to multiple characters in the book as well as the family element that in my opinion is one of the main storylines in the book. I'm looking forward to reading more in the series. 


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