How To Stay Fit At Home

Welcome back to the blog! Today I will be sharing tips on how to stay fit at home without any gym equipment. As a wife and mom there was never very much extra time for going to the gym and over the years I learned how to stay fit at home. 

The number one way to keep fit is to simply keep your body moving. 

Everyday chores can help keep you fit as well as eating healthier. 

With grocery prices constantly rising I started growing some of my own vegetables at home in pots on my patio to cut the grocery bill and to have truly fresh food. 

How To Stay Fit At Home

5 Tips for Staying For At Home

There are numerous ways to stay fit at home. Today I will be sharing my top five/ favorite ways for a healthier life.


I love the outdoors. Working in the yard, planting flowers, and weeding the garden is absolute heaven to me. I have plenty of time to myself and I spend the day outside in the sun which is a great way for me to combat anxiety and depression. 


Walking is a great way to stay fit. Walking helps strengthen the body, the heart, and the lungs. 

The thing I love the best about walking is that you can literally walk anywhere, anytime. 

You can walk daily outdoors by yourself, with your spouse, family, friends, etc.  If you don't live in an area where you can walk outside due to weather you can always walk inside your house or in stores. 

One of my favorite YouTube Channels is the

 Walk At Home channel  because I get my walking in on days when the weather isn't cooperating.

Cleaning the House

Yes, cleaning is a great way to keep the body in motion. Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, shampooing the carpets,etc. You are using every part of your body doing these chores. Every day chores count as a workout. 

Remember all you have to do is keep moving and you are improving your health.

YouTube Workouts

I absolutely love YouTube Workouts. I can access the videos anytime I want, I can choose from any style workout, length of workout, and the best part they are absolutely free.

 I have certain videos I use to Jumpstart my day with and 

15 Minute Yoga Workouts that are my current go- to every single day.

Growing Your Own Food

Over the years I have started growing some of my food for myself and my family. 

It has basically been trial and error learning what works for the area we live in and what will grow based on the heat and the amount of sunlight that our yard gets. 

Living in Florida I can pretty much garden year round and there are few things that grow really well for us. In the Winter ( at least what Florida calls Winter) I focus all my attention on growing Salad Bowl lettuce. 

Salad Bowl lettuce grows extremely well in pots outside on the patio during the winter and it's very easy. 

Once I plant the seeds we typically have lettuce growing in a two - three week time period. The best part though is that Salad Bowl lettuce is a cut and grow lettuce. 

You don't actually pick the lettuce. Simply cut off what you need and it grows bigger. 

Tomatoes! Let's face it there is nothing better than sitting down to a plate of sliced tomatoes and they are so easy to grow here in Florida and there are so many varieties to choose from. 

Carrots are another vegetable that I love to grow. Fairly easy and seed to harvest is a little over sixty days. 

I attempted growing potatoes in a large pot last year with no success ( according to the Internet it works) . I will be trying again this year though. 

I also plan on trying my hand at growing my own herbs ( fingers crossed). 

 Growing Your Own Food at home even if you're like me and have limited space  is definitely worth it. 

You have food that you know is fresh, you know if any chemicals were used on it ( pesticides) because you grew the food, seed to harvest and it just tastes so much better. Not to mention the fact that it helps you save money on your grocery bill.

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