Welcome back to the blog and a brand new year! I'm so happy you are here. Today I will be sharing my goals both personal and professional for 2025.
Personal Goals
On a personal level, my goal is to improve my health. You will notice I did not say lose weight and there's a reason for that. I would prefer to be strong and healthy to skinny any day of the week. I would love to build up my muscles and improve my bone health. Now that I'm 49 and have been going through perimenopause for several years I value my daily workouts. Not only do my workouts improve my physical health but they have been instrumental in improving my mental health.
My favorite form of exercise is walking. I enjoy the quiet morning walks where I live and it puts me in a great mood for the day to simply be outside in the fresh air. Walking is my preferred method of outdoor exercise because it is a great way to lower my chances of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes ( at least according to Google) and all three of those run high in my family. My goal is to walk one mile five days a week instead of the three days a week that I've been doing.
Yoga is another one of my favorite forms of exercise. I practice gentle flow standing yoga. This has been the best yoga I've found that works for me with my chronic pain. Always check with your doctor before starting a new routine. YouTube has some great yoga channels and I found that the best way to choose a routine was to watch the video all the way through before trying to do it. There were some that I wanted to try but after watching the video I realized there were several poses I would not be able to do because of my back, and neck issues.
Meditation has been the best thing I have ever started in my life. I started meditating over ten years ago and I still practice daily. I will be the first to admit that I don't devote as much time to meditation and mindfulness as I would like. Most days it consists of about twenty minutes in the morning. This year I will be setting an hour a day aside for meditation even if I have to split it up between morning and evening.
Related Links
Yoga & Meditation Channels to Follow on YouTube
The Benefits of a Morning Meditation Routine
Professional Goals
We all have professional goals and for me they are always related to my blog. However, this year my goal consists of doing more of some things and less of others. When you're a woman, show burnout can sneak up on you pretty quickly. Hopefully the goals I have set for myself this year will keep burnout far away.
I have always loved writing. My passion for writing is what drew me into the blogging world years ago. Unfortunately, I seem to spend more time on social media promoting the blog than I do on writing. This year my goal is to focus on writing and getting back the passion for writing that has taken a back seat to everything else in my life.
Related Links
A Day in the Life of A Blogger
Social Media
My goal this year is to take a step back from social media. Instead of creating for all the platforms out there, I will be focusing on only two platforms so I have more time to write.
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What are your goals for 2025? Let me know in the comments.
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