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Dear Dotty by Jaclyn Westlake Book Review

Title  Dear Dotty  Author  Jaclyn Westlake  Synopsis  What's a twenty something gal to do when her parents announce a divorce after thirty years of marriage, she finds out her best friend has cozied up to her archnemesis, and she accidentally sleeps with the wrong guy? Turn to her great- aunt for advice,of course. Rosie Benson has always struggled to fit in with her over-accomplished family, type A roommate/ best friend, and workaholic boss. When Rosie is abruptly fired from her job at a tech startup where her boss was way too enthusiastic about synergy, the illusion that she has life figured out is shattered. Knowing she needs a push, her great aunt Dotty- a globe trotting, Martini swilling occasional nudist, and the only person Rosie has ever felt truly herself around - tried to challenge her to pursue a long buried dream. But then Dotty dies. And Rosie spirals. As new details of Dotty’s past emerge through revelatory emails from her many friends, Rosie realizes that maybe her au

The Enemy by Sarah Adams Book Review

Title  The Enemy ( It Happened in Charleston #2) Author  Sarah Adams  Synopsis  It's been twelve years since June Broaden has seen her high school enemy ( and secret crush), Ryan Henderson. That's a long time to hold a grudge over some petty feud, but the sharp memory of him dangling a kiss at graduation and then pulling away at the last second, has fueled many angry fantasies since. Now's her chance to get even  Ryan along with most of her high school class, is back in town for her best friend's wedding, and June is eager to show the former bully exactly what he missed out on. A lot has changed since their high school days; June is the Southern Queen of gourmet donuts now, not to mention one of the most desired bachelorettes in her small town. What she's not expecting though is for Ryan to show up looking like Adonis and touting his own career success as the youngest chef to ever win three Michelin Stars. How dare he try to one up her revenge plot! Luckily June nev

Fire in Frost (A Crystal Frost Novel) by Alicia Rades Review

Title  Fire in Frost  ( A Crystal Frost Novel) Author  Alicia Rades Synopsis  “There's a fire growing inside of me. It's not the harmful kind that can kill a girl like Olivia. It's the kind that can save her “ Crystal Fox tells herself she isn't crazy, but sane people don't see ghosts. As her psychic abilities manifest, Crystal discovers she can see into the future, witness the past, and speak with the dead. Add blackmail to the list of things she never thought would happen to her, and you basically have her sophomore year covered. After spotting her first ghost, secrets from her family, friends, and classmates begin to surface. Uncovering secrets can be dangerous, but giving up means someone will get hurt. Again. Review  Absolutely loved this book. It has a nice steady pace throughout the entire story and characters that you can relate to.  Crystal is walking through the hallway at school and sees the ghost of a girl that died a year before. While trying to figure

The Diva Delivers on a Promise by Krista Davis Book Review

The Diva Delivers on a Promise by Krista Davis  Title:  The Diva Delivers on a Promise  Series:  A Domestic Diva Mystery  Author:  Krista Davis  Synopsis: Sophie is busy handling the first ever convention of Ghost Kitchens- restaurants that do delivery only - but she's taking a little time out for a lunch meeting organized by A Healthy Meal. The group is dedicated to providing meals for children in need, and as a bonus, it'll give Sophie the perfect opportunity to ogle the lavish Old Town home of socialite Geraldine Stansfield. Gerrie’s dining room is impeccably furnished, the table laden with gleaming crystal and prized china. If it weren't for the dead man lying on the floor, everything would be perfect….. No one knows the victim - or at least, no one claims to. But a little snooping by Sophie reveals links to many local notables. In fact, not only was he a client of Geraldine’s late husband, an attorney - every member of the Stansfield clan knew the deceased. But only on

10 Yoga and Meditation Channels to Follow on YouTube

Welcome back to the blog! I have been writing a lot lately about meditation ,yoga, and my self care routines and today I will be sharing my top 10 channels with you. Hope you enjoy it! 10 Yoga and Meditation Channels to Follow on YouTube I absolutely love using YouTube. I can find anything I can possibly think of on YouTube. My feed consists mostly of meditation, yoga, and relaxation music. The meditation channels I have been using for a long time and have used the videos and channels to set up a  personal Morning Meditation Routine for myself as well as an Evening Meditation Routine. Yoga Channels to Follow on YouTube  I have been practicing yoga for years and can't get enough of it. Yoga is another way I keep my stress levels down. It is the most peaceful form of exercise I have found. Many of you already know that I suffer from chronic pain, so I focus on gentle Yoga and workouts designed to help with back, neck, and shoulder pain. These yoga workouts h

How To Stay Fit At Home

Welcome back to the blog! Today I will be sharing tips on how to stay fit at home without any gym equipment. As a wife and mom there was never very much extra time for going to the gym and over the years I learned how to stay fit at home.  The number one way to keep fit is to simply keep your body moving.  Everyday chores can help keep you fit as well as eating healthier.  With grocery prices constantly rising I started growing some of my own vegetables at home in pots on my patio to cut the grocery bill and to have truly fresh food.  How To Stay Fit At Home 5 Tips for Staying For At Home There are numerous ways to stay fit at home. Today I will be sharing my top five/ favorite ways for a healthier life. Gardening I love the outdoors. Working in the yard, planting flowers, and weeding the garden is absolute heaven to me. I have plenty of time to myself and I spend the day outside in the sun which is a great way for me to combat anxiety and depression.  Walking W

Benefits of an Evening Meditation Routine

Let's face it, the stress of everyday life can wreak havoc on our physical, emotional, and mental health. That is why I started an evening meditation routine to help me unwind after a long day. I practice this routine every single night without fail and have seen great results. 5 Steps To Help You Relax I have five simple things I do every night to help me unwind to relax my body and mind. Step One A hot bath to soothe aching muscles. Step Two Sitting in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee and a book for thirty minutes to an hour. Step Three I pull up YouTube and do an evening ( sleep ) meditation. Step Four I take a Sound Bath .  You can find many of these on YouTube. Step Five I put on my favorite relaxation music and set it on repeat so it plays all night long. I highly encourage everyone to set up an evening meditation routine. I have learned that if I start my day with a morning meditation routine and end it with a meditation routine my overall heal